Murray Nankivell Welcomes Newest Director
How did you become an accounting firm director?
Towards the end of my schooling, I found myself gravitating towards business-oriented subjects like Economics and Business Studies, which confirmed my desire to pursue a career in that field. After three years at boarding school in Adelaide, I decided to take a gap year in Bordertown to save money for university and travel. The opportunity to earn good money while playing local sports was a welcome change, but stints at the meatworks and vineyards quickly made me realize that office life was my true calling.
When I started university, I wanted to keep my career options open, so I chose to study Commerce, majoring in Accounting and Management. Balancing my studies with playing sports for St Peter’s Old Collegians was a great experience that helped me form valuable relationships and skills. Before completing my degree, I secured a job with RJC Evans & Co, a city-based firm with a significant focus on primary production clients—a perfect foundation for where I eventually ended up.
After five rewarding years at RJC Evans & Co and earning my Chartered Accountant qualification, I was ready for the next challenge: the UK. Through some cricket contacts, I landed a tax accounting job in Essex, which allowed me to experience a summer playing cricket and traveling across Europe. Exposure to a different country’s tax system proved beneficial in handling the growing number of clients working abroad.
In 2018, I returned to Adelaide for two years at a city-based firm before Murray Nankivell approached me with a fantastic career opportunity and the chance to move back home, closer to family. I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunities I've had at Murray Nankivell. The trust and mentorship I've received from the other directors, including managing the Murray Bridge office and being involved in strategic decision-making early in my tenure, have solidified my commitment to the firm.
Working in regional public practice exposes you to a broad range of industries and business challenges, keeping the work interesting and dynamic with ever-changing tax rules and technologies. The most rewarding aspect is working with a great team and helping clients achieve their goals. I want to express my sincere thanks to my colleagues and clients for their ongoing support over the years.
How can Ryan help you?
Based in the Bordertown office and consulting in Murray Bridge, Tintinara, and Pinnaroo, Ryan provides expert advice on a wide range of taxation, accounting, business, and finance matters. His clients include individuals, partnerships, trusts, and companies across various industries, including primary production, retail, professional services, trade, transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. Ryan has a particular passion for succession planning and family tax structures.
Ryan's Qualifications
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Management)
- Chartered Accountant
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